Ryan Flores | Student Testimony

Hi Shamar prayer team family I am extremely grateful and blessed to be a part of the Shamar prayer team. I thank the Lord for letting me be a part of this awesome prayer group ministry. Every lesson has been beneficial and impactful in my life.
Even before Session 3 Utilizing Your Prayer Language I was praying and asking the Lord to help me speak in my prayer language. Impactful and important prayer topics during that lesson I learned were that the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and the Lord desires for us to have more intimacy with and the Lord. Also I learned when the Disciples were speaking in their Heavenly prayer language it was like a Holy Spirit Flooding given to them by the Holy Spirit. The presentation by Michelle was extremely helpful impactful. Immediately after the session I spoke a little in my prayer language. I thanked the Lord and I even shared a little and prayed over Jennifer using my prayer language.

In Session 4 Overcoming Betrayal and it was equally as impactful to me. I learned to be more alert as the Spirit of Betrayal is in daily combat with us at times and it targets the Leadership of churches. Also the Spirit of Judas will flow in those closet to you and that Discernment is needed to combat the Spirit of Betrayal. A great delivery by Andrew.

In session 5 Confronting Pain Andrew and Denise delivered a impactful message and the things I learned that pain has different kinds that we have and deal with. The pain of loosing a job is different from loosing a family member or loosing a pet. I also learned that we can go through Soul Pain. And the enemy uses our pain to distract us. Things that I learned to help when we go through pain is to stay close to the Shepherd, and Stay Consistent In your Bible reading and worship.

In Session 6 Prayers Of Reconciliation Within Family another great presentation by Michelle I learned how that the Lord loves families He made provision for us to be in relationship with us. I use the Hedge of Protection prayers for my family, friends and extended family members. I also learned that the Lord redeems the families name and that the Lord is invested in seeing families made whole and through Jesus’s Blood 🩸 we are signed sealed and delivered.

Prayer Point 1 - the Encounter of Peace
Prayer Point 2 - Pray that they Experience the Lord’s Goodness! It Draws us more to Him and by His side.
Prayer Point 3 - Pray for God to show His mercy, He prefers that over Judgment.
Prayer Point 4 - Pray for a visitation from the Lord to your friends and family members that are unsaved.


Antoinette Soliz | StudentTestimony